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Gate A1

BlueMUSE just passed its Gate A1 with attendance from the consortium members and the ESO follow up team. This important milestone allowed us to review… Read More »Gate A1

Gate A0

The BlueMUSE Gate A0 milestone has been successfully passed at CRAL with attendees from all institutes both on-site and online. During two days, we reviewed… Read More »Gate A0


Kickoff ! The BlueMUSE consortium kick-off meeting happened online, with a strong participation from all institutes. This important event marks the start of a 2… Read More »Kickoff

Science Workshop

The BlueMUSE Science workshop happened on Nov 9-10th 2020. All PDFs of the presentations are now available here

ESO Selection

BlueMUSE has recently been selected by ESO to be included in the VLT2030 instrumentation plan, with a Phase A to be started by 2022.