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BlueMUSE at SPIE 2024 Yokohama

Quite a few BlueMUSE team members have joined the SPIE Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation conference in Yokohama, Japan on June 16-21st. Highlights of the presentations and associated publications:

  • Oral presentation on BlueMUSE – science drivers and overview of instrument design by J. Richard et al. – associated proceedings available here on arXiv
  • Poster presentation on the characterization of VPHG prototypes by A. Jeanneau et al. – associated proceedings available here on arXiv
  • Poster presentation on the BlueSi (BlueMUSE Science Simulator) by M. Wendt et al. – associated proceedings available here on arXiv
  • Poster presentation on the FEA of the MUSE Optomechanical model (lessons learned to help with BlueMUSE design) by Z. Cai et al.

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